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22 October, Tuesday

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Театр «Старый дом»


The Stary Dom (Old House) Novosibirsk Drama Theatre is one of the most famous in Russia. His aesthetic policy is primarily associated with the idea of an original repertoire based on a unique literary material. The repertoire of the Stary Dom Theatre includes both classical and modern texts associated with the idea of search for different styles in art and encouraging the audience for a dialogue. Since 2006, the director of the theatre has been Antonida Goreyavcheva. During the period of her work, the creative policy of the theatre has been significantly changing.

The Stary Dom Theatre is not afraid to experiment with new theatrical forms and invites interesting European and Russian stage directors to work, including Krzysztof Zanussi, Avtandil Varsimashvili, Ronni Yakubashk, Antonio Latella, Andrei Prikotenko, Anton Malikov, Mikhail Patlasov, Julia Aug, Sergey Fedotov, Galina Pyanova and others.

Special emphasis in the artistic strategy of the Stary Dom is made on a series of international projects. Thus, in 2012, the «Trilogy» based on Euripides' plays was staged by Italian director Antonio Latella. In 2014, in the Stary Dom Antonio Latella staged «Peer Gynt» by Henrik Ibsen, one of the most complex works of world literature.

In addition to international projects, master classes and seminars of Russian and foreign directors are constantly held in the Stary Dom Theatre.

Since 2017, Andrey Priktotenko has been the main stage director of the Stary Dom Theatre. He has worked in theaters in Moscow, Riga, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Orel. From 2007 to 2009, Andrey Prikotenko was the artistic director of the Mikhail Chekhov Theatre, Riga. His more than 30 performances have been invited to a variety of festivals including, amongst others, the interregional festival Novo-Siberian Transit and the international festival  Baltic House.

Each performance of the Stary Dom Theatre becomes a significant event in Russian theatre world. In the past few years alone, the Stary Dom has become a participant in the largest Russian and international theatre festivals:

• Augenblick mal! Das Festival des Theaters für junges Publikum (Berlin, Germany);
• Euroregional Theatre Festival Timișoara – TESZT (Timișoara , Romania);
• International Festival URAL OPERA BALLET FEST (Ekaterinburg, Russia);
• XIII International Theatre Festival For Children and Youth «MINIFEST» (Rostov-on-Don, Russia);
• Theatre of Nations FEST (Tobolsk, Russia);
• Valery Zolotukhin Russian theatre festival for youth (Barnaul, Russia);
• Interregional festival «Novo-Siberian Transit» (Novosibirsk, Russia);
• «Proryv», Young theatre director award (St. Petersburg, Russia);
• «Real Theatre», Russian National Theatre Festival (Ekaterinburg, Russia);
• International Summer Festival of Arts «The Access Point» (St. Petersburg, Russia);
• Martin McDonagh International Festival (Perm, Russia);
• «The Rainbow», International Theatre Festival (St. Petersburg, Russia);
• Museum project «Talks after midnight» (Krasnoyarsk Book Culture Fair, Russia)
• Professional theatre prize «Paradise» (Novosibirsk, Russia).

In 2016, the influential magazine «FORBES» included the play «The Snow Maiden» directed by Galina Pyanova in the TOP 7 best performances of Russia. In 2018 YANDEX included the Stary Dom Theatre in the TOP 20 best theaters in Russia.
Since 2013, The Golden Mask National Theatre Award and Festival (Russia) has been annually recognizing the performances of the Stary Dom Theatre:

• «The Caddis, or Where did Andrei go?» (directed by Semen Alexandrovsky, playwright Vyacheslav Durnenkov) was presented in the New Play program of The Golden Mask Festival in 2013;
• «Peer Gynt» directed by Antonio Latella was included in the Long List of the best performances of Russia in 2014;
• «Elementary Particles» directed by Semen Alexandrovsky became a participant in the festival's competition program in three nominations in 2016: «Drama/Best small scale production», «Drama/Best director», «Drama/Best designer»;
• «The Lonesome West» directed by Sergey Fedotov was included in the Long List of the best performances of Russia in 2017;
• «The Snow Maiden» directed by Galina Pyanova became a participant in the festival's competition program in three nominations in 2017: «Innovation/Best production», «Musical theatre/Best costume designer» (Elena Turchaninova), «Musical theatre/Best composer» (Alexander Manotskov). At the end of the festival the Stary Dom Theatre got the rewards for «The Snow Maiden» in the «Innovation/Best production» and «Musical theatre/Best costume designer» (Elena Turchaninova) categories;
• «I am here» directed by Maxim Didenko became a participant in the festival's competition program in four nominations in 2018: « Drama/Best small scale production», «Drama/Best director», «Drama/Best designer» (Pavel Semchenko, Maxim Didenko), «Drama/Best light designer» (Igor Fomin); the performance also became a participant of Russian Case which is a showcase for international guests of The Golden Mask Festival.

In addition, the performances of the Stary Dom Theatre regularly become participants of The Golden Mask non-competition program Maska Plus. Maska Plus complements the main festival program, expanding its boundaries and presenting to the audience and theatre professionals a range of innovative productions from Russian cities. In 2018 the performance «The Green Pastures» (directed by Julia Aug) became its participant, in 2019 the performance «Sociopath / Hamlet» (directed by Andrey Prikotenko) took part in this program.

The organization and holding of the International Festival of Actual Theatre «CHAOS» will become a new large scale activity of the Stary Dom Theatre. The festival is based on the idea of modern theatrical saying in the forms of synthetic art. The performances included in the festival program will contain the characteristics of multidisciplinary approach: theatre and science, theatre and multimedia, theatre and communicative practices, physical theatre.

Today an extensive off-program is an important element of the Stary Dom Theatre. The theatre regularly holds lectures by famous theatre critics, discussions of performances, the laboratory for young stage directors «Actual Theatre» and «Lubimovka» which is the stage reading of modern plays - participants of The Lubimovka Young Russian Playwrights Festival. Also the Stary Dom Theatre organizes exhibitions and educational projects of various formats.

Premieres and other events of the Stary Dom Theatre are annually marked in more than hundreds of publications in newspapers and magazines.


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