Долгая счастливая жизнь

С неба упали три яблока
The Lonesome West
Мартин МакДонах
Режиссер, сценограф — Сергей Федотов
Отец Уэлш — Василий Байтенгер Андрей Сенько
Коулмэн — Тимофей Мамлин
Вэлин — Анатолий Григорьев Виталий Саянок
Гёлин — Софья Васильева Анастасия Белинская
The second McDonagh appeared on the stage of "The Stary Dom" theatre –the "Lonesome West" play staged by the famous director Sergey Fedotov, who became the Russian pioneer of Irish grotesque poetics. Martin McDonagh is a playwright, screenwriter and filmmaker, author of plays and director of feature films, winner of the Laurence Oliver award, the British BAFTA award, the Edgar Poe award, the British independent film award and many others. Besides the official titles – for a unique combination of magnificent dark sense of humor, a brilliantly constructed plot and parable depth, McDonagh became the owner of high-profile titles – "a Real sensation of Europe", "Tarantino from the theater", and "The Main playwright of the XXI century".
The actors of the "Stary Dom" with Sergey Fedotov invite the audience to move from the worlds of "Aran trilogy" ("the Cripple of Inishamaan") to the space of "Leenane Trilogy" by Martin McDonagh – the play "The Lonesome West". The main characters of this comedy are two brothers connected not only by mutual resentments, hatred and a passion to blackmail each other, but also by a common secret about the death of their father. Irrevocably ruined relationship of people connected by blood cannot be saved even by priest Welsh, who eventually experiences the most terrible thing that can fall to the lot of holy orders – doubt in his own faith. It is surprising that in the minds of Martin McDonagh the horror of this story can be played and experienced in hilarious way, which will only strengthen the effect of the ideas that the mysterious Irishman broadcasts.
According to the Russian National Theatre Award "The Golden mask" the play was included in the list of the most noticeable Russian premiers of 2016-2017 season.
The winner of professional theatre prize and festival "Paradise"-2016
Upcoming shows
2025-04-24 19:00
About perfomance
- Premier:01.10.2015
- Length:2:30 с антрактом
- Genre:Ирландская комедия
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